Julia Kappel
Technical Marketing Assistant
Zymo Research
Julia finished her studies of biology with a M.Sc. in the field of neurological degenerative diseases at the Institute for Experimental Neurology in Ulm in 2013.
After nearly 5 years working as a Research Associate in the field of oncological research in Freiburg and Basel, she joined Zymo Research Europe in 2018. Here, Julia works at the intersection between science and marketing.
Jens Kubitschke
Business Development Manager
Mark Pallen
Professor of Microbial Genomics & Group Leader
University of East Anglia & Quadram Institute
Mark Pallen is a Research Leader at the Quadram Institute and Professor of Microbial Genomics at UEA. His research interests span microbial genomics, metagenomics and bioinformatics, including the chicken gut microbiome. He is director of the MRC Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics (CLIMB) project.
Marinus Van Krimpen
Researcher, Animal Nutrition
Wageningen University
Wendy Rauw
Research Scientist
Randi Lundberg
Lead Scientist, Animal Gut Microbiome
Chr. Hansen
Justin Shmalberg
Chief Nutrition Officer
Martin Grießl
Lisando GmbH
Sherry Layton
BV Science
Alessio Valenza
Ruminant Product Innovation Leader
CEVA Santé Animale S.A