Eric Garcia
Kay O'Donnell
Jean-Louis Hunault
My professional activity began as a lecturer in public law at the University of Paris 2 and Paris V and in 1988 as legal counsel and then director of economic and legal affairs of the Union of Plant Protection Industries - UIPP. Graduated from HEC's Executive MBA in 1993 I created and managed 2 companies in the environment and direct marketing sector. In 1996, I joined the veterinary medicine and diagnostics industry union - SIMV as secretary general. I was elected Chairman of the SIMV Board 5 times. My last term will cover the period 2018-2021.
I exercise different mandates: administrator of the national agency of health safety of the food, environment and work - ANSES, substitute member of the National Council of the higher education and the research (CNESER), secretary of the French network for animal health - RFSA.
At the European level, I am member of the Board of the European Federation of Animal Health - Animal Health Europe.
At the global level, I held the position of Director Europe for a five-year term on the Board of Directors of our World Federation (Heath for Animals).
I am the Secretary General of the World Veterinary Diagnostics Industry Federation - DiagnosticsforAnimals - an organization I created in 2007.