“Attending this conference series since the beginning in 2018 and it definitely developed to become the Go-To conference to stay informed about the latest developments in AI Hardware and Edge AI Tools, Applications and Solutions from startups to established players.”
“Great AI conference with a unique mix of AI emerging technology in hardware, infrastructure, edge AI, open-source ecosystem, and AI issues, concerns, trends, and future direction. A gathering of AI technology leaders, innovators, visionaries, practitioners, and enthusiasts.”
“The AI Hardware and Edge Summit offered a window into some of the most groundbreaking technologies currently shaping our industry. From advanced hardware solutions to cutting-edge edge computing technologies, the sessions provided valuable insights that will significantly influence the future direction of AI development and deployment.”
I found the event to be well organized and informative, with a variety of interesting topics, from ESG to data privacy to sanctions. Coupled with frequent and well-timed breaks and meals, as well as more intimate workshops, it was a well-run conference.